An àite cudromach a th 'aig soidhead geur guail a' cumail sùil air ocsaidean gianas gus smachd a chumail air PM2.5 Exsissions

Roimhe seo, leis an aimsir feadag leantainneach ann am mòran àiteachan den dùthaich, tha "PM2.5" air a bhith na fhacal as teotha ann an saidheans mòr-chòrdte. The main reason for the “explosion” of the PM2.5 value this time is the large emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust caused by coal burning. Mar aon de na stòran gnàthach de PM22.5 truailleadh, tha na sgaoilidhean gas gas a 'losgadh gu math follaiseach. Nam measg, bidh sunnd dà-oiddeid airson 44%, cunntas nitrogen a 'toirt cunntas airson 30%, agus duslach gnìomhachais agus dust gnìomhachais còmhla airson 26%. The treatment of PM2.5 is mainly industrial desulfurization and denitrification. On the one hand, the gas itself will pollute the atmosphere, and on the other hand, the aerosol formed by nitrogen oxides is an important source of PM2.5.

Mar sin, tha sgrùdadh ocsaidean de ghuailearan guail glè chudromach. Using Nernst zirconia oxygen analyzer can effectively monitor the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and play an important role in controlling pollution caused by PM2.5.